MW Fitness

Join the team of sustainable fitness.

Advancing Careers & Physiques Through our Selective 5-2 Lifestyle Method™

Client Transformations

Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after

My Plans

1-on-1 Coaching (Standard Package)

1-on-1 Coaching (Standard Package)

1v1 Coaching - We specialize in helping individuals transform their lifestyle and perspective on health and fitness through the implementation of sustainable, science-backed strategies. *REQUIRED 6 Month Minimum Commitment

Customized Nutrition Plans - Created by me & team of registered dietitians.

Customized Workout Programs - Tailored towards specific goals, work schedule & past injuries.

Regular Blood Work Evaluations + Supplementation Protocols & Guidance.

Weekly Check-ins and Group Coaching Calls.

Chat Feature & Free Resources - Video tutorials, healthy recipes, PDF guides, e-books, etc.

Access to General Coaching Community - Network & connect with past/present clients.

1-on-1 Coaching - 6 Month Package

1-on-1 Coaching - 6 Month Package

1v1 Coaching - We specialize in helping individuals transform their lifestyle and perspective on health and fitness through the implementation of sustainable, science-backed strategies. *REQUIRED 6 Month Minimum Commitment

Customized Nutrition Plans - Created by me & team of registered dietitians.

Customized Workout Programs - Tailored towards specific goals, work schedule & past injuries.

Weekly Check-ins and Group Coaching Call.

Chat Feature & Free Resources - Video tutorials, healthy recipes, PDF guides, e-books, etc.

Access to General Coaching Community - Network & connect with past/present clients.

1-on-1 Coaching with Co-Head Coach Jensen (Standard Package)

1-on-1 Coaching with Co-Head Coach Jensen (Standard Package)

1v1 coaching with Co-Head Coach Jensen, who specializes in utilizing a mix of formal education and 15 years of in the trenches experience to maximize your results, as well as your understanding of your own unique body. *REQUIRED 6 Month Minimum Commitment

Customized Nutrition Plans - Made to drive strong and sustainable results tailored to your specific goals, timelines, schedule and preferences.

Regular Bloodwork Evaluation - In Conjunction with our team's personal Physician Assistant of Internal Health (PA-C), as well as our partnered Wellness Clinic. Regular Blood Work Evaluations + Supplementation Protocols & Guidance.

Weekly Check-Ins - Consistent and thorough analysis of how you are responding to the protocols, and changing protocols based on the response. Strong communication is vital to your success.

Supplementation Plan - Customized to your needs based on your individual response to protocols, needs, and the bloodwork evaluations.

Free Video Tutorials, E-Books, PDF Guides, Healthy Recipes, and links to further free content that can aid you in your fitness journey. Chat Feature & Free Resources - Video tutorials, healthy recipes, PDF guides, e-books, etc.

Access to the MWFitness Coaching Community, our personal network of high achieving individuals that are also achieving their goals with us, and can lend a relatable ear. Access to General Coaching Community - Network & connect with past/present clients.

1-on-1 Coaching with Coach Sarah (Standard Package)

1-on-1 Coaching with Coach Sarah (Standard Package)

1v1 with Head Coach Sarah - Who specializes in helping individuals transform their lifestyle and perspective on health and fitness through the implementation of sustainable, science-backed strategies. *REQUIRED 6 Month Minimum Commitment

Customized Nutrition Plans - Created by me & team of registered dietitians.

Customized Workout Programs - Tailored towards specific goals, work schedule & past injuries.

Regular Blood Work Evaluations + Supplementation Protocols & Guidance.

Weekly Check-ins and Group Coaching Calls.

Chat Feature & Free Resources - Video tutorials, healthy recipes, PDF guides, e-books, etc.

Access to General Coaching Community - Network & connect with past/present clients.


Men Women Fitness

Elite Online Fitness Coaching

WHO ARE WE? Men Women Fitness | "Empowering Ambition Through Fitness.” Welcome to MWFitness Coaching, where we redefine the fitness journey for career-driven professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Our mission? To create stress-free, sustainable fitness routines that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. With over 450+ transformative success stories and in-depth experience across various industries, we're not just a fitness company; we're a movement towards a healthier, more balanced professional life. After working with our team, your outlook on fitness will be changed indefinitely.

Men Women Fitness


Personalized Nutrition

Get both a customized meal plan and specific macro breakdown based on your dietary preferences, allergies and intolerances.

Customized Workouts

Fully customized workout program tailored to fitness goals, experience level and work schedule.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with me each week to ensure progress is on track and receive updates to plan for following week.

1-on-1 Coaching Calls

Talk with your coach directly to discuss progress, timelines, lifestyle strategies and more.

Chat Feature & Free Resources

Message your coach with any questions, comments or concerns. Access to fitness resources like video tutorials, healthy recipes, PDF guides, e-books, etc.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Client Testimonials

"Working in finance my schedule at best could be described as intense. I figured that in order to stay in shape I had to combat that with periods of hardly eating and getting a couple quick workouts in when I could. Very early on in my coaching journey I learned that I figured wrong. Matt taught me that it was not about extremes but having guiding principles that you can fall back on if you stray off course. It’s about figuring out not how much you eat but what you eat. How you fuel your body to perform and get the most out of your fitness. He taught me that it’s not about fitting yourself into a model, but finding what works for and committing not only to your plan, but to yourself. He is always available and extremely attentive as a coach and more importantly your fitness champion along the way. Although my coaching journey has come to an end, my fitness journey has only just begun. Matt’s coaching does not teach you to get a different body, or higher maxes in the gym (even though his workouts will leave you in pain in places you didn’t even know existed) but teaches you how to adopt an overall healthier lifestyle. I would recommend Matt to anyone who is committed to a healthier lifestyle and just needs a little help to get there. Thank you for everything Matt."


"What our “plan” really became was a true lifestyle change, which is why I say that Matt is truly in the business of changing lives, not just bodies or appearances. Matt himself was by my side every step of the way and gave me all of the tools I need to be self-sufficient which is the best thing a coach can give."


"I struggled to put on and maintain weight, and figured it was just my body type. Matt created a plan that made this achievable, while working around my busy schedule. He not only helped me attain the results I desired, but instilled a joy in the process itself. It’s become a part of my daily routine, and something I look forward to, not an obligation."


"I approached Matt with a goal to lose ten pounds for my wedding in 9 weeks. After our initial conversation and we both knew were racing against time. I have successfully hit my weight goal in a short two month span and super excited for the final look for the wedding! Matt is as dedicated to his craft as they come, and I highly suggest him."


"I worked with another coach prior to Matt, but Matt brought a different perspective to the game, one that allowed me to enjoy the journey again. The biggest win was changing my perception of food and being able to enjoy different food groups. It’s a pleasure to know Matt but even more appreciate him being in my corner."


"When I started with Matt, I didn’t even feel comfortable wearing a T-Shirt out, I would look for every excuse to wear a sweatshirt or some other layer. Now that’s not even a thought that pops into my mind. I’m more confident and comfortable than ever. Highly recommend starting coaching with Matt."


"I was curious to see how Matt would differentiate himself from other trainers, as I had worked with others in the past. Let me tell you, I made the right choice making the switch. Working with Matt has been an absolute pleasure. Matt does all the hard work for you, just listen to what he has to say, lock in mentally and give it a go full speed ahead."


Join the Team of Sustainable Fitness.

We Build Optimized Routines for Professionals to Make Fitness Stress-Free and Sustainable